Support during your audits and monitoring dedicated to sun protection

Thanks to our recognized expertise and our specialization on the aspects of the evaluation of the sun protection, we bring advice and support to consolidate your audits and technical monitoring

Our external audit solutions


The respect of standards and methods is essential to the reliability of the results obtained during solar studies.

This technical audit allows to analyze the structure and the competence of the audited laboratory in the realization of sun protection assessment.

At the end of the audit, in addition to the technical evaluation grid, we deliver a real decision-making table for managing the corrections and improvement. This report summarizes one by one each of the validated or nonconformity points, with advice to solve these points for each case.

SUNCERT builds the outsourcing solution of your audits in close collaboration with you according to:

  • Your current quality management system,
  • The sun protection evaluation methods you want to inspect with your service providers,
  • The projects you want to put in place.

Two options for your technical audits:

  • Normal Audit: You want to be accompanied during the technical audit of your service providers through the design of the elements to inspect and have our presence during technical inspections.
  • Shared Audit: You want to share the technical audit of one of your service providers with one of your colleagues in the field (from another companies) and thus reduce the workload and reduce your financial implication.

These audits do not fall within the scope of the certification of sunscreen tests which is complementary to claim and attest to the competence of a laboratory to meet the standards of evaluation of sun protection.




Provides expertise in the field of sun protection during your audits and/or monitoring


Time saving

Allow you to focus on your business core without having to use your internal resources to carry out your external audits around the world



Formalization, homogenization and optimization of sunscreen tests and the quality system

Our internal audit solution


Every company is trying to find the most effective way to organize the sunscreen test process: either create their own internal support team and/or outsource this process to a specialized company for unbiased results.

The main advantage of in-house testing is the ability to control the entire process and sun protection expertise, reduce costs (in the case of a large test volume) and deal with problems quickly. Nevertheless, it is important to note that even the most important points in this case (unintentionally) are crucial.

All these facts lead to often observe deviations from all the basic requirements in the field of sunscreen evaluation tests that do not guarantee the quality of results and may lead to continue to develop the wrong product.

Improve the reliability of your tests internally

Therefore, SUNCERT offers you to evaluate your ability and competence in following basic rules of in vivo and in vitro methods based on current standards. Thus, this internal audit is mainly focused on the technical part of your internal tests with a checklist and tips to help you improve your tests and the reliability of your results. Of course, this service is not in link with the certification process and is not a training your team.




Provides expertise in the field of sun protection as part of your in-house testing



Our independence from your company allows to be impartial and to highlight some areas to improve on the technical part



A checklist and tips to help you improve your tests and the reliability of your results