Ethics, Responsibility, Conformity, Integrity, Confidentiality
Our values are our strength for reliable solar protectionSun protection is directly related to the health of the consumer
Every exposure to the sun without effective sun protection can cause irreversible damage to our skin.
In fact, protecting itself from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays (for example ultraviolet (UV)) is essential to limit the risk of developing melanoma (a cancer of the skin) and premature aging of the skin. The best ways are to avoid exposition (or at least to stay in the shade between 12h and 15h), to wear clothes and to apply a sunscreen product frequently and generously.
It’s a fact, after sun exposure, all skins don’t have the same reaction and some react faster than others. For example, the skin type according to the Fitzpatrick classification defines how the skin reacts to the sun with a score ranging from 1 to 6 (knowing that phototypes 1, 2 and 3 are the most sensitive to UV).
Knowing that no sunscreen protects at 100%, it is therefore necessary to protect effectively with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) and UVA indices adapted to our skin and UV index, by applying a sunscreen product generously on the body, every two hours and just after swimming, sweating, wiping, etc.
But it is necessary that the claimed efficiency is correctly evaluated.
For this reason, although official sun protection evaluation methods are fortunately available internationally, how can we ensure that these methods are strictly respected by the analytical laboratories? Every parameter is important and a gap is not possible to ensure a reliable protection to the consumer.
Therefore, in order to strengthen the reliability of sunscreen products, we propose to certify the analysis laboratories by attesting to the conformity of solar tests to standards through a rigorous audit and monitoring process.
The aim of the certification is to give confidence to all interested parties that sun protection (cosmetic products, ingredients and analysis laboratories) meets the requirements of the normative and regulatory standards as well as the different charters proposed by SUNCERT.
The competence of the certifying body and its evaluators, but also its impartiality and independence, are key elements to ensure the reliability of certification. Therefore, SUNCERT undertakes to respect this policy by taking the necessary actions.
Certification Committee
Our Certification Committee is composed of limited and voluntary independent members representing various stakeholders in the field of sun protection.
This one, acting collegially, anonymously and confidentially, ensures the impartiality of our operations and our certification decisions as the only decision-making body in the awarding of the analysis laboratories’ certificate.
Maintaining our independence and ensuring the objectivity of our certification decisions is a daily concern in the exercise of our role as a certifying body. Therefore, if a situation puts us in a conflict of interest and we do not know how to put in place the necessary measures to reduce the risk, then the service is refused. Finally, our simplified joint stock company status and the composition of our capital (private persons) ensures our complete independence.
The inspector mandated by SUNCERT agrees to accept no payment outside pre-established rates, gift, commission or other benefit even non-pecuniary, for himself or his family, from customers or any other person, which could cast doubt on its independence in carrying out the inspection.
Furthermore, our privacy policy is engaged as soon as information is provided during this function.
Our expertise in sun protection

Sébastien MIKSA
Sébastien MIKSA is the founder and CEO of SUNCERT, the first international organization dedicated to sun protection certification.
His career began at L’Oréal in the departments R&I Lipsticks, R&I Foundation and R&I Photoprotection including an experience in the CNRS in the Department of Polymer Chemistry.
Involved in the evaluation of sun protection for several years, he has published numerous articles on innovations in this field and participated in many conferences on sun protection.
Active participation in different entities for reliable, eco-responsible and ethical sun protection.
ISO/TC217/WG7 – Cometics – Sun Protection Test Methods
CEN/TC392/WG004 – Efficacy including sun protection products
AFNOR/S91KGT07 – Sun Protection Test Methods
FEBEA/GT Quality of efficacy measures of sun protection products
Bipea/Technical Group – Sun protection products – SPF in vivo – UVA in vivo – UVA in vitro
Schools that trust us
In addition to our expertise on solar protection (regulation, general, formulation, method, etc.), we also work with different schools on several topics such as Cosmetology, PM, Regulation, Quality, etc.